Friday, January 20, 2017


Week 2 Padlet Assignment

Welcome to my blog! As an Economics teacher I always find my students looking for alternative sources to learn my content so that is the purpose of my padlet.

Outline: Padlet is a great launch pad for research or an inquiry based learning activity. It can also be a discussion board for students and staff to come together share information,  grow their skills or tools, assess knowledge, or simply collaborate.

Learning Objective: The students will use the padlet to compare and contrast the economic resources to research and then create a presentation about a concept you learned.

Discuss briefly how you will incorporate copyright into your teaching, creation of multimedia materials, and student creation of artifacts?

The research completed for this week’s assignment has deepened my understanding of fair use, creative commons, and how I can use copyrighted materials within the legal boundaries inside of my classroom. I have also discovered how to find truly free and fair to use information in the public domain. Moving forward a stronger understanding of copyright, creative commons licenses, fair use, and the public domain make me a better teacher and more informed multimedia coach or intermediary for my students and within my educational department

Made with Padlet

How do the readings from week 1 on design principles for instructional multimedia align:

With your lesson idea?
The reading directly relate to differentiation, student centered learning, motivation, and multimodal teaching. With the padlet technology in general? The readings from week 1 discussed the need to keep it simple and segment or chunk information because if we hit our students with too much information too quickly we will overwhelm them or lower the odds of them truly learning the concepts we are teaching.

Which principles do you feel you applied when creating your Padlet?
Teaching best practices as the artifacts I have included encourage students to be at the center or their learning, and one of the many different sources included will match up with their learning style to really help them get it.

Which principles did you intentionally use when designing your lesson idea? Segmenting, using multimedia and not just text to explain content, and the use of conversational language to help relate new information to something they already know.

How has your thinking changed this week? I really like using multimedia sources, video clips, political cartoons, images, and simple powerpoints to express and relate the content of what I am trying to teach in a form that will be clearly understood. I also gleaned a wealth of information of where to find free sources in the public domain, in the creative commons, and truly what fair use means.

What information, facts, processes, or technology stood out in your mind?
Multimedia is the most effective way of getting my message out to my students, it is the main vehicle I use for lesson planning and communication.

Were there tensions that you noticed between the content and design principles for multimedia or between two principles that you used?
Not really because the technology is so adaptable and the internet has so many wonderful resources to use if you know how to search for them.

What did you enjoy, or not?
I always enjoy learning new information or enhancing my understanding of topics like copyright as they preserve my innocence and help me teach my students how to properly use information they find on the internet.

How did you grow?
I learned much more about fair use and public domain than I did before.

Padlet link:


  1. Nate,

    I appreciate your approach to using the Padlet as a way to set up a series of activities. I had not thought about it in that way, but I like that it makes your Padlet that much more interactive for the students. In particular, I appreciate your meme generator assignment. That is one that would definitely resonate with students in your grade range.

    1. Thanks Ashley, I think the kids are pretty open and excited to applying their knowledge.

  2. I like that you already were ahead of me with the meme generator! Good work with this.
