Friday, February 17, 2017

Berens EDU 642 Week 6 Concept Map

Berens EDU 642 Week 6 Concept Map 

Blog Post Requirements

Your post will contain the following:
  • Use in the classroom:
    • Develop a lesson plan or training IDEA (not a full-blown lesson plan) for a learning experience that utilizes concept mapping in the classroom or your work environment.
      • Outline in 2-3 sentences how you intend to use this technology as a support or way to demonstrate learning for learners. The idea for this collaborative activity is for students to review major concepts they have learned in economics over the semester by creating a concept map. Each group may choose their topic but no two groups may cover the same topic. Once completed each group will post their concept map to the wall or have one member of the group remain with the digital copy of the map as an anchor. Finally, the teacher will facilitate a gallery walk with groups traveling from map to map and expected to add something to it.

      • Write a learning objective- I can corroborate my knowledge of the major economic concepts learned this semester by compare what I know to the concept maps other groups create.

    • How will you incorporate collaboration into your teaching or training, creation of multimedia materials, and student creation of artifacts? Into this assignment specifically?Students will each have a specific job as they work to create a concept map, researcher(s), designer, manager, and anchor/expert if necessary. After creating their map students will take part in a gallery walk to compare their understanding to how other groups have represented ideas they have learned. Even with each group having different chosen topics, there will be a certain level of overlap. This overlap will either corroborate their understanding or force them to revisit their understanding.
    • How can you develop a culture of collaboration within your classroom or business setting? Try to be specific. By establishing a lesson or activity that encourages teamwork, comparison, and a little edutainment, where I get to take a step back and watch students learn, and compare what they know to how other groups represent their understanding of the topics.

  • Application:
    • How do the readings from week 1 on design principles for instructional multimedia align with your lesson? Concept maps reflect the best practices of education. Multimodal learning, differentiation, conversational language, adaptability, simplicity, and visualization. Mapping and mind mapping allow students to organize and apply what the students know or have learned and allow them to see it in a different light, beyond a page of notes, or from absorbing it from a video, discussion, or powerpoint, hopefully leading to deeper and longer lasting memory.

  • Reflection:
    • How has your thinking changed this week about technology use? About collaboration in the classroom or workspace? about how these connect? I don’t do much at all with mind mapping, but I do highly value the use of graphic organizers especially modeling the skill of how to set one up, so that kids can do it on there own, most importantly to organize their thinking in a way that they both understand and how it makes meaningful connections.

    • What did you enjoy, or not? I enjoyed seeing how colorful, manipulable, and visual learning can be demonstrated, as well as how versatile mapping is. I did not like having to start over with my map on Coggle when it deleted a major section of it when I tried to move it.

    • How did you grow? I am looking forward to applying, modeling, and integrating mapping into my lesson plans to help provide another skill or tool to my students to help them develop a better understanding of our content.

  • Your artifact: Please embed or include a link to your concept map in your blog

* I have attached a link in case any of the links, video clip, or images do not properly appear.

Works Cited

Business Cycle. Digital Image. Business Cycle. Unknown, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. Business Cycle-

Frictional Unemployment. Digital image. Frictional Unemployment. Unknown, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. Frictional Unemployment-

GDP Formula. Digital image. GDP Formula. Unknown, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.GDP formula-

Lawson, James. "Inflation Image." Inflation Image. James Lawson, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. What is inflation

Seasonal Unemployment. Digital image. Seasonal Unemployment. Unknown, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. Seasonal Unemployment-

Structural Unemployment. Digital image. Structural Unemployment. Unknown, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. Structural Unemployment-

Technological Unemployment. Digital image. Technological Unemployment. Unknown, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. Tech unemployment

Wallstreet Survivor. "Wallstreet Survivor: Inflation." Wallstreet Survivor: Inflation Youtube. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.

Welker, Jason. "Real GDP and the GDP Deflator." YouTube: Real GDP and the GDP Deflator. YouTube, 08 May 2012. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. Real GDP clip


  1. I really like the approach to this that you used with the tasks and gallery walk.

  2. Thanks Dr. W,

    I get more comfortable, and a teacher teacher as I create activities that require me to step back and let my students construct.
