Friday, February 24, 2017

Berens EDU 642 Week 7 Evaluation, Assessment, and Polls.

Berens EDU 642 Week 7 Evaluation, Assessment, and Polls.

      • Lesson Outline in 2-3 sentences how you intend to use this assessment to demonstrate learning for students.
In this lesson students will gain a basic understanding of fundamental problem of economics that drives and motivates us all-scarcity. We must make difficult choices where and how we spend money, use resources, and with our time.  Students will watch the TEDEd video, complete the assessment questions, (and remediate, if necessary) and then apply their knowledge in completing a desert island economics systems project.
      • Write a learning objective: I can analyze economic decision making, and the choices we leave behind, as we investigate scarcity.

    • How could you incorporate project-based learning into your teaching or training, creation of multimedia materials, and learner creation of artifacts? After watching my video, students could apply what the knowledge they have acquired (and add a little more along the way) as they complete a desert island simulation that requires them to start over (as they become stranded) and consider some guiding questions that force their group to make difficult choices in organizing an economic system, to deal with major economic concepts and issues like scarcity, will they operate a free market, traditional economy, mixed economy, or centrally planned economy, and present their findings in student made video.

    • What factors could influence (or not) the success of your implementation? What considerations may be needed? Technology actually working properly. A low tech plan b, in case life happens and we cannot use technology (iPads or WIFI) that day or week.

  • Application:
    • How do the readings from week 1 on design principles for instructional multimedia align with the project? Resonance and visualization. The video I chose to include in this lesson is relatable to most of my students having stumbling across Monsters Inc. as a child or at least knowing of it's premise, the association or example Mr. Clifford is giving will likely resonate with them. The short video also provides a visual example to help a variety of learners.

  • Reflection:
    • How has your thinking changed this week about technology use? Simply put, another door to application and lesson planning opportunity is available to me, which hopefully makes me a more effective teacher. 

    • About project based learning in the classroom or workspace? Another tool in the tool belt that for student centered learning, while promoting higher order thinking and authentic assessment.  

    • About assessment that utilizes technology? Truly anything can be a formative assessment.

    • What did you enjoy, or not? I had used TEDEd before but have not created a lesson before, it is a really nice tool. I tried using and failed with Micro poll, and another one,as they would not embed into my blog, so I used built in poll feature on blogger to get the job done.
    • How did you grow? More technological prowess and access to tools will allow me to create better lesson crafted to the needs and skills of my students

  • Your artifacts:
    • Embed or link your assessments into your blog post.
        • online video quiz (multimedia assessment)

    Economics Scarcity and Production Possibilities- EconMovies #3: Monsters Inc

    * click the link below to view my video and assessment questions

        • rubric for a multimedia project 

    Desert Island- Economic Simulation
    iMovie Rubric

    Group Members Names:
    Island Name
    Purpose and Content-
    Economic System:
    What kind of System will you use?
    Describe the type of economy, using and defines one of the four economic systems:  Command, Traditional, Mixed, or Market.
    -        Who will answer the 3 basic economic questions?
    -        Who will control the factors of production?
    -        Where will all the decision making authority lie?
    -        What welfare and/or basic needs will you offer your people?
    -        Will you use barter or currency on the island (what kind)?
    -        Level/degree of government involvement.
    Clearly relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.

    Relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.
    Some relation to the learning objective or concept.
    Does not relate to the learning objective or
    does not illustrate a concept.
    Purpose and Content-
    Opportunity cost:
    -        What are you producing on the island, what is your next best alternative?
    -        Define the term opportunity cost.
    -         What is the opportunity cost of pursuing any one of your goals?

    Clearly relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.

    Relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.
    Some relation to the learning objective or concept.
    Does not relate to the learning objective or
    does not illustrate a concept.
    Purpose and Content-
    Capital, Scarcity & Natural Resources:
    Define capital, scarcity and natural resources and discuss the following questions.
    -        What kind of capital (tools, machines, etc) will be used to produce goods?  How will this capital be attained?
    -        How do economics and ecology interact in your island economy? 
    -        Are they in harmony or conflict?

    Clearly relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.

    Relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.
    Some relation to the learning objective or concept.
    Does not relate to the learning objective or
    does not illustrate a concept.
    Purpose and Content-
    -        What problem was the most difficult to address in your island economy? 
    -        How did you respond was it consistent or not with your economic system?
    Clearly relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.

    Relates to the learning objective or illustrates a concept.
    Some relation to the learning objective or concept.
    Does not relate to the learning objective or
    does not illustrate a concept.
    Visual Effects
    Transitions, and
    Titles and/or transitions enhance the video.
    Titles and/or transitions do not detract from the video.
    Attempts to use titles and/or transitions, but they detract from the video.
    No titles or transitions exist.
    Visual Effects

    Video and
    Photos relate to the subject and enhance the project.
    Videos and photos mostly relate to the subject
    Videos and photos are few and some are off topic.
    No videos or photos relate to the subject.
    Visual Effects
    -        Include a map of your island
    Map is labeled and enhances the project.
    Map is provided unlabeled.
    Map provided doesn’t fit in with project.
    No map
    Audio effects
    Movie includes voice and
    music. Audio
    levels are just right.
    Movie includes voice and music. Audio levels are too low or too loud.
    Movie has only music. Audio levels are too low or too loud.
    Movie has no sound.
    -        Provide accurate information
    Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
    Presentation has fewer than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
    Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors
    Presentation has four or more misspellings and/or grammatical errors
    Use of classtime

    Project was turned in on time.  Group worked hard 100% of time
    Project was turned on time, but group needed redirection.
    Project is late.
    Project was late or group often appeared to be off task.
    Total Points: ___/30 x 3 ____=90 points possible                                             Additional Comments:

     an interactive poll *bottom of blog

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